AI Amazon Repricer
Boost your Amazon profits and avoid price wars with AI repricing
Boost your Amazon profits and avoid price wars with AI repricing
Maximize your Amazon business profitability with AI-driven repricin
Tailor your pricing with custom strategies to meet your business objectives
Gain insights into your sales, inventory, and competition with comprehensive analytics
Enhance your Walmart sales with intelligent price synchronization
Boost your Amazon profits and avoid price wars with AI repricing
Maximize your Amazon business profitability with AI-driven repricin
Tailor your pricing with custom strategies to meet your business objectives
Gain insights into your sales, inventory, and competition with comprehensive analytics
Enhance your Walmart sales with intelligent price synchronization
If you are an Amazon seller, you should definitely take advantage of SEO and enhance your Amazon SEO strategy. Apart from the help and boost you get from Amazon repricers, a good SEO strategy when it comes to selling on Amazon is also beneficial.
In reality, not all Amazon sellers are familiar with Amazon SEO or even have an established Amazon SEO strategy. To give you a better understanding of SEO, Amazon SEO, Amazon SEO tools, and its basic distinction from Google SEO, here below are key concepts that will help you appreciate the benefits of SEO.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO has been considered by many as one of the most important things that happened during the internet revolution. Before the concept of Amazon SEO vs Google SEO came to be, there was only an SEO, a plain search engine optimization.
The history of search engine optimization is quite complex, similar to the concept of SEO itself. The term SEO according to current history as highlighted by Wikipedia, came into use back in 1997 and Bruce Clay is said to be one of the persons who popularized the term.
However not mentioned in the article, another individual is said to be the original proponent of the term search engine optimization. In a blog post authored by Adam Audette, the Senior Vice President, Head of Global SEO at Merkle, he mentioned that it was John Audette who first used the term search engine optimization. It was well evidenced by the web page that was published on February 15, 1997, making it 5 months earlier than the commonly accepted date, which is July 26, 1997.
Going beyond the term’s historicity, SEO has managed to create a huge impact in the digital marketing industry. SEO in general and in its simplest definition can be understood as the process or practice of ranking content online. Whether it is an Amazon product, AI repricer, or any other web content, SEO has become a relevant factor for achieving higher competency and increased online visibility in today’s digital marketing landscape.
If your purpose is to be more visible online as an Amazon seller or simply a website manager, search engine optimization is one of the practices you should learn. Needless to say that the higher a content ranks online, the more viewers, customers and audiences will see and click on your uploaded content. Hence, implementing an SEO strategy on your digital marketing campaign or online business is a must.
However, despite the critical importance of SEO in an online marketing campaign, you should understand that not all SEO strategies are created equally. Similar to the existence of different search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, search engine optimization strategy also varies. And this is especially true with Amazon SEO vs Google SEO approaches.
Marketing your product on Amazon can be quite overwhelming, especially for first time Amazon entrepreneurs. There are many things to consider, including product listing and Amazon pricing. With the latter, experienced Amazon sellers would rather use tested and proven Amazon repricers such as Seller Snap to lessen the burden on their part. Hence, giving them more time to focus on other avenues for a successful Amazon enterprise, including Amazon search engine optimization.
With respect to Amazon SEO vs Google SEO, it cannot be helped for some practitioners to be confused. Therefore incorporating some Google SEO approaches to their Amazon SEO campaign which is not that effective since Amazon has its own unique algorithm, the Amazon A9 algorithm.
Knowing some of the basic facts and key elements of Amazon SEO, including effective Amazon SEO strategy, will greatly help in increasing the efficiency and revenue of your business when done properly. Appearing on top of the Amazon product search result is of great advantage, especially that the majority of online consumers begin their product search on Amazon.
With those facts in mind, you need to change your mindset that Amazon is simply a channel for purchasing items. You should now think of Amazon as a research and discovery platform similar to that of any search engine. Thus, it is safe to assume that Amazon has become an online consumers’ product search engine.
As a consequence of Amazon’s unique algorithm, Amazon sellers like you should understand that unlike Google, Amazon favors more conversions than that of clicks. This simply means that selling is more important in achieving a higher ranking on Amazon as a product search engine platform.
In order to increase conversion, Amazon product SEO should be practiced. Some of the steps you should take to improve your Amazon SEO is by filling up the necessary fields provided by the website, having relevant keywords, high-quality photos, optimized title, and substantial product description in relation to product listing.
In terms of Amazon keywords use, unlike Google, Amazon tends to favor individual words rather than keyword phrases, which is a common practice in Google SEO. Individual words are given emphasis as compared to phrases because Amazon buyers are more specific with their searches.
When it comes to search engines, Google is undeniably on top of the ladder. That is why the majority of SEO practitioners focus more on Google SERP for their SEO campaign. And with respect to Google SEO, numerous factors come into play.
As previously pointed out, Amazon favors more individual words rather than keyword phrases. In contrast to that, Google places more emphasis on long-tail keywords. However, the contextual relevance of these keywords should also be observed when using long-tail keywords.
Apart from proper keywords use for a successful Google SEO, other factors to consider are the proper use of external and internal links. Similarly, metadata, proper tagging, and the use of quality & relevant images also impact your Google SEO campaign.
When comparing both platforms, it cannot be helped to ask which is better among the two. In answering such a query, you should look into your campaign intention and target audience. If you are an Amazon seller, ideally you should boost your Amazon SEO campaign first, before dealing with Google SEO.
Alternatively, focusing on Google SEO will help you gather leads or audiences that are only starting their search and are yet to refine their needs. On the other hand, it is worth emphasizing that the SEO for Amazon is more effective for users that already know what they want. To reiterate the statistical fact, it is estimated that 55% of shoppers who already have an idea of what to buy start their search on Amazon rather than on Google.
If you are a dedicated Amazon seller, you should have known by now that to be successful in the online selling industry, flexibility is needed. Apart from being attuned to both Google SEO and Amazon SEO, you should also acquaint yourself with the latest Amazon SEO tools in the industry, such as an Amazon repricing tool.
One of the best Amazon repricers in the market today is Seller Snap. Seller Snap has managed to help numerous online sellers like you deal with Amazon pricing strategy for better results. Seller Snap is an AI-powered Game Theory repricer that can detect competitors’ behavior. Therefore, allowing it to readjust the price of your Amazon product according to the competitive circumstances, taking into account essential data including the behavior of your competitors.
Efficiency and effectiveness of Seller Snap go beyond reviews, for statistically, 80% of Amazon sellers like you who started the free trial of the Amazon AI repricer, opted to continue the use of Seller Snap as their main Amazon repricing and analytics tools. If you want to improve your Amazon business and save time on price adjustments, you should start your 15 Day Free Trial today.
For more details about Seller Snap and how it can help your Amazon business, contact us at +1 (262) 735 5767 for more details.