Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing: How To Make Money With The Amazon Affiliate Program

Earning money online has become easier for individuals through partnerships with eCommerce companies and brands. One of the go-to destinations for people who want to make money online, is Amazon.  

Apart from becoming an Amazon FBA or FBM seller, you can also earn money by participating in its affiliate marketing program known as the Amazon Associates Program. You can further read the discussion below if you wish to learn more about the Amazon affiliate program or affiliate marketing in general. 

What is Affiliate Marketing?




Before we delve deeper into the Amazon Associates Program and how to become an Amazon affiliate, it is best to get acquainted with or refresh your knowledge of affiliate marketing.  

Affiliate marketing is defined as an “advertising model in which a company compensates third-party partners for promoting products and services and generating business.” It is a marketing scheme intended to help businesses or brand owners promote their products in order to drive traffic or generate sales from referrals. 

Three Main Types of Affiliates

For online users and enthusiasts who wish to participate in affiliate marketing programs, it is best to get to know the three main types of affiliate marketing. 

Unattached Affiliate Marketing

 This type of affiliate marketing is called unattached affiliate marketing because the affiliate marketer has no connection or attachment to the product they are promoting. The affiliate has no authority or expertise about the product they are recommending. 

This affiliate marketing model typically runs PPC (pay-per-click) marketing campaigns, using an affiliate link for shoppers to click and make purchases.

Related Affiliate Marketing

In contrast to unattached affiliate marketing, related affiliate marketing describes an affiliate relationship in which the affiliate marketer or advertiser is knowledgeable and has experience with the types of products they are promoting.

Involved Affiliate Marketing

The involved affiliate marketing method is somewhat similar to the related affiliate marketing, for affiliate marketers using this model also have product knowledge and experience. The only difference is that the marketer or advertiser is closely tied to the product they promote. 

How do Affiliates Earn Money from Affiliate Marketing? 

Affiliate marketing undoubtedly offers a quick and inexpensive method of making money online, even without actually having a product on hand. The answer is a bit complicated if you question how you will get paid as an affiliate marketer. 

An affiliate marketer earns from affiliate marketing programs depending on the program structure. And here are some of the standard payment structures or payout systems for affiliate marketing you should know. 

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click is one of the common ways through which an affiliate gets paid. Affiliate marketers are incentivized when they redirect consumers from the marketing platform to the merchant’s website or dedicated landing page. When discussing PPC, you should be aware of these two common PPC concepts, the CPA and EPC

CPA stands for cost-per-acquisition. It means that you will only get paid when the retailer or sellers acquire a lead with an affiliate link that takes the customer to the merchant’s website or landing page. 

On the other hand, EPC stands for earnings-per-click. An average click must first be obtained for an affiliate marketer to be paid. 

Pay-Per-Sale (PPS)

Pay-per-sale, otherwise known as cost-per-sale, is considered a standard affiliate marketing structure wherein the affiliate is paid a percentage of the product’s sale. The merchant or business owner is only obliged to pay for the sales generated by an affiliate marketing website based on the prior agreed-upon commission rate.

Advertisers only need to publish ads on their platform and earn money from each sale. Typically, ads can be in the form of images, videos, audio, and other formats that get delivered to consumers.

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL)

In this affiliate structure, you will only get paid according to the number of converted leads your affiliate ads produce. This converted lead could mean people who have signed up for a service through the ad clicked. 

Pay-Per-Install (PPI)

The payout system for PPI is straightforward. The affiliate will only get paid when a direct user of a merchant’s product or website installs their product. Some of the most commonly marketed products for installation include software products, browser extensions, mobile applications, mobile games, and more. 

Different Types of Affiliate Marketing Channels

Apart from answering the question of how to become an Amazon affiliate, you should also get to know the common affiliate marketing channels or methods that can help you achieve more success when it comes to the Amazon affiliate program.

Here are some of the affiliate marketing channels you can maximize to improve the outcome of your Amazon affiliate marketing campaign.  

Email Lists

Email marketing is perhaps one of the oldest online marketing methods that affiliate marketers still use today. Email marketing is quite straightforward. You only need an email list and use those lists to advertise a seller’s product. 

This approach will require you to have many email ads of potential buyers for a significant result. As an affiliate marketer, you will promote affiliate products or send merchants’ links through well-targeted and well-crafted emails.

Blog Posts

Another channel through which you can incorporate affiliate marketing, including Amazon affiliate marketing, is blogging. You can insert affiliate or product links to blog posts that you create. 

You can choose to mention a product in passing or even focus on a particular product in the form of a review or product recommendation blog post. 

In order to have a successful affiliate marketing campaign through blogging, you should see to it that your posts will generate traffic. It would mean creating a blog post that is interesting and well-optimized.


Microsites are another channel that can help you improve your affiliate marketing campaign. Microsites are websites designed to promote products or attract potential shoppers through content posted on the website.

As an affiliate marketer, you will create content that will mainly discuss the features of the product you are promoting. Apart from product features, you can discuss product costs, shipping fees, and other FAQs on your website. 

The content of these microsites is usually geared towards a particular audience or focused on a specific niche.

Social Media

Social media is one of the most popular channels that affiliate marketers can utilize to promote products. You can use platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram for your affiliate marketing campaign. You simply mention products in the content or put a link in the description section of your content. 

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

From the discussion above, you can already surmise how affiliate marketing works. In summary:

STEP 1: You will choose a niche to focus on. 

STEP 2: You join an affiliate program, like the Amazon affiliate program

STEP 3: You shall promote sellers’ products through affiliate marketing channels. 

STEP 4: You need to track and optimize conversions.

STEP 5: You will then receive commissions. 

Why Should You Consider Affiliate Marketing?

One of the reasons why some people choose affiliate marketing over other ways of earning money online is the simplicity of the business model. As discussed, affiliate marketing is where you promote other businesses’ products and receive a commission for the sales generated through your affiliate marketing campaign. 

Apart from the simplicity of the business model, affiliate marketing is also low-cost and low-risk because you do not need to manufacture or source a product overseas like retailers typically do. With affiliate marketing, you only need a platform, such as your website, and a verified affiliate marketing account.

Another reason to try affiliate marketing, especially the Amazon affiliate program, is its wide range of products you can promote or offer online shoppers. Thus, making it easier to scale your business since you have various product options. 

If you want to participate in one of the largest eCommerce marketplaces, you should start your affiliate marketing campaign on Amazon. As mentioned in the preceding discussions, Amazon has a wide reach and influence globally, making it an ideal starting point for newbie affiliate marketers. 

What Is The Amazon Affiliate Program?

The Amazon’s affiliate or Associates Program is Amazon’s very own affiliate marketing program. This affiliate program is considered one of the largest affiliate marketing programs to date. 

One of the best features of the Amazon affiliate program is its free use. You can promote and market products listed on Amazon and get a commission for each sale generated from your affiliate marketing campaign. 

How does the Amazon Affiliate Program Work?

In a nutshell, the Associates Program works by helping affiliate marketers and content creators to monetize their traffic. With the Amazon affiliate program, you can earn from the qualifying purchases of the products you recommend to consumers. 

Amazon Associates can use easy link-building tools to redirect their readers or followers to any product on Amazon. What makes the Amazon affiliate marketing program unique is that Amazon affiliate marketers have access to reporting tools to help you learn what resonates best with your followers or target audiences. 

How to Apply for the Amazon Affiliate Program?

Applying for the Amazon affiliate program is not that difficult. You simply go to the Amazon affiliate program page and click sign-up

The process is quite simple, it mainly involves 4 main steps. You will need to fill out account information detail, which include basic information like your name, address, and contact information.

Amazon will also be asking about your website URLs and social media channels. For the profile section, you will be asked for your preferred associate store ID and other relevant information, such as a website or app description.

How to Join the Amazon Affiliate Program? | Requirements to Participate in Amazon Associates Program

Bloggers, content creators, and publishers must have a qualified website to participate in the Amazon affiliate program. Here are some essential participation requirements you should remember if you wish to participate in the Amazon affiliate marketing program. 

  • You must identify your website during the Amazon Associates Program application process. 
  • Your affiliate marketing website must contain original content.
  • Your website must not promote or contain obscene or sexually explicit materials.
  • Your website must not promote violence, contain violent materials, or even encourage potentially dangerous or harmful acts. 
  • Your website must not promote or contain false, deceptive, or libelous materials.
  • Your website must not promote or contain hateful, harassing, harmful, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive or discriminatory materials.
  • Your website must not promote or undertake illegal activities.
  • Your website must not include any trademark of Amazon or its affiliates.

In general, the promotional limitation for the Amazon Associates Program expresses that you will not engage in any promotional or marketing activities that are not expressly permitted under the Associates Program Operating Agreement. For the complete promotional limitations, it is best to refer to the Associates Program Operating Agreement.

How Can You Create an Amazon Affiliate Link?

Once you are accepted to the Amazon Associates Program, it is crucial to build Amazon affiliate links. The affiliate links can help you maximize your earning potential as an Amazon affiliate marketer. Here are some of the ways to quickly and easily create affiliate links.  


It is readily available as a toolbar appearing at the top of every page you visit on Amazon. This SiteStripe toolbar will only appear once you log in using the same Amazon account you use as an Amazon associate. 

Using SiteStripe, you have the option to generate a Text link, Image link, or even both. Additionally, you also have the option to post product recommendations directly to your social media newsfeed. 

Mobile GetLink

The Mobile GetLink is designed for affiliate marketers wanting to promote products through mobile devices. You must log in to your Amazon mobile shopping app to generate an affiliate link via your mobile device. In summary, here is how Mobile GetLink works:

  • You will need to go to the product page and click Share
  • Afterward, click Copy Associates Link
  • And then Get a short URL with your Associates tags built

You can check the video presentation below if you wish to learn more about Mobile GetLink. 



Idea Hub

You can also use Idea Hub if choosing which product to promote for your Amazon affiliate marketing campaign is challenging for you. It is designed to be a one-stop place to find inspirational promotions and product content throughout Amazon. Simply click the ‘Get Link’ button and copy/paste the link into your content.



Image Source: Amazon Associate Program


How to Become a Successful Amazon Affiliate

Amazon does not only provide affiliate marketers with the tools to become successful in their affiliate marketing campaigns. The tech giant also has marketers with a resource center to improve its marketing campaign. Here is a checklist provided to help newbie affiliate marketers start their Amazon affiliate marketing campaign. 

Your Niche

Amazon suggests choosing a niche that will attract a large audience. You do not simply select a subject you are passionate about. It will also help to consider the money-making potential of the subject you want to focus on.

It is suggested that you should do keyword research for a particular topic and check its search volume. Also, consider the relevance and timeliness of your subject. And lastly, you should ask yourself if you can monetize the chosen topic. If you cannot, it is best to move to other subjects. 

Think About Your Domain Name

Your domain name will be tied directly to the topic you will cover, so you should consider the domain name you will use for your affiliate marketing site. It is highly suggested that your domain name be open-ended, allowing you to evolve as your affiliate marketing campaign grows.

Layout Matters 

When choosing a layout for your website, you must select an attractive layout. Your website layout should be compatible with your chosen topic or niche.  

Furthermore, you should also choose a layout that is user-friendly and navigable. It would also help to add a professional-looking logo, the right colors, and matching fonts to your affiliate marketing platform. 

Remember that first impression is essential when persuading consumers to check your affiliate marketing-related content. Choose your web layout wisely. 

Always Consider SEO

In order to reach more audiences and keep your Amazon affiliate marketing campaign more effective, you should remember to implement the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO). There are multiple avenues through which you can optimize your content, and it may include but is not limited to on-page optimization and off-page optimization. 

How Much Do You Earn From Becoming an Amazon Associate?

Earning on Amazon Associates Program likely depends on the commission rates of the product category to which an item belongs. To serve as your guide in the Amazon affiliate program, here are the fixed standard commission income rates for specific product categories. 



Table Source: Amazon Seller Central

Other Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

If you have already succeeded with the Amazon affiliate program, you can also check these other affiliate marketing programs from other eCommerce-related websites: 

Etsy Affiliate Marketing

Like the Amazon affiliate program, Etsy has its own affiliate program. According to Etsy, all are welcome to apply to their affiliate program, but cashback sites and voucher sites are deemed ineligible. You should check the program overview first if you wish to apply for Etsy’s affiliate program. 

eBay Affiliate Marketing

eBay also has its own affiliate program through its eBay Partner Network (ePN). According to eBay, you can earn money by driving traffic and prompting sales across their extensive and diverse marketplaces. 

Seller Snap

As a leading AI Amazon repricer, Seller Snap also has its own affiliate program. When you become a Seller Snap affiliate, Seller Snap will provide you with a dedicated link that you can share across your social channels and website. You can check their affiliate page to learn more about Seller Snap’s Affiliate Program

Start Earning Money Today from Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing, such as the Amazon affiliate marketing program, can be a good source of online income. Affiliate marketing gives you an inexpensive and straightforward option to make money online. 

If you wish to increase the success rate of your affiliate marketing campaign, you can always refer to the tips and insights mentioned above. For better results, you can also try expanding your affiliate marketing business towards other platforms apart from the Amazon affiliate marketing program. You can refer to the other alternative affiliate programs listed above. 

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