Using Amazon Coupons for Prime Day | Power of Coupons and Deals as Promotional Offers

It cannot be denied that Amazon is a competitive marketplace. Currently, Amazon has over 5 million online sellers across its global marketplaces competing for sales. However, despite the competition, some sellers still manage to profit with the help of promotional offers such as Amazon deals and Amazon coupons. 

The Marketing Command of Promotional Offers 

In order to outsmart and outlast competitors in the eCommerce industry, various marketing tactics are being used by online sellers. The most commonly practiced marketing strategy online is the implementation of promotional offers in the form of deals or coupons. 

In a marketing survey conducted by RetailMeNot, it was revealed that more than 60% of online shoppers made their purchase solely based on coupons or discount deals.

When it comes to new brand purchases, the same survey also detailed that 4 out of 5 buyers made first-time orders with new brands that have promotional offers, including coupons or discounts.        

Furthermore, almost 70% of millennials will not check-out items from eCommerce platforms without first checking for deals, coupons, or best offers online. Therefore, establishing the marketing command of promotional offers in today’s generation.  

Understanding Amazon Deals and Coupons

Although the marketing power of promotional offers like deals, discounts, and coupons have been proven and tested over the past years, not all Amazon sellers are keen on employing such a strategy to their Amazon business. 

The lack of knowledge and uncertainty of its success are some of the factors that hinder sellers to pursue such a marketing strategy. Some Amazon sellers are afraid to try the latest innovations in the eCommerce industry including promotional offers.

For that matter, the succeeding paragraphs will be discussing key points about Amazon promotional offers. The following discussions will delve deeper into the mechanics of Amazon deals and coupons, as well as the benefits Amazon sellers may obtain from them.  

What are Amazon Deals and Amazon Coupons?

Amazon deals and Amazon coupons form part of the promotional offers and advertising business strategy of Amazon. The commonly employed promotional offers within Amazon include the following:

  • Percentage Discounts (e.g., 20% off)
  • Dollar Discounts (e.g., $10 off)
  • Buy and Save Up To (e.g., save up to $5.00)

Amazon deal, in particular, is a promotional offer geared towards increasing not just business sales but also improvement of brand awareness. 

Since it is a promotional offer, an Amazon deal is normally time-bound and is featured on the Amazon Deals page. In the case of a lightning deal, a product is featured for limited hours only, usually around 4 to 12 hours. 

As opposed to lightning deals, sellers also have an option to employ a 7-Day Deal on their marketing program. This kind of Amazon deal lasts for a limited number of days and also appears on the Amazon Deals page. 

Next to deals would be the coupons. Amazon coupons are marketing strategies that offer discounts on a single product or product set via a coupon. 

Amazon shoppers may find coupons through various options, including coupon pages, in their carts, product detail pages, offer listings page, or even the search result pages.

If you wish to learn how to create deals and coupons, click preceding links. 

Why Employ Promotional Offers to Your Amazon Business?

Promotional offers, such as coupons and discounts, have been proven an effective tool in getting the attention of shoppers. Since the introduction of the first coupon in 1987 by Coca-Cola, consumers have been hooked to promotional offers. 

From the perspective of most sellers, promotional offers are simply considered as tools for profit. Sellers normally perceive coupons and deals as a means of increasing sales conversion rates. 

However, promotional offers deliver not just sales into the business. Apart from sales, promotions like Amazon deals and Amazon coupons also contribute to Amazon store traffic increase, effectively moving inventory, creating an opportunity for repeat sales & increase of new customers, and most especially delighting customers. 

The benefits of promotional offers when viewed within the purview of Amazon SEO and other metrics, improves not just sales but also brand awareness and customer satisfaction because it undoubtedly adds value to online shoppers. 

Why Should you use Amazon Coupons for Prime Day?

Amazon coupons should not only be used to increase engagements and sales during off-peak seasons. They should be incorporated in your business during peak seasons such as Amazon Prime Day. 

During Amazon Prime Day, the majority of Amazon shoppers seek the best deals on the market. With the additional discounted price through coupons, your listing can be more attractive to potential shoppers. 

Therefore, increasing your sales and conversions during one of the busiest Amazon events. Additionally, competently created coupons and deals will also build brand loyalty with shoppers, which in turn may merit a following on your Amazon store. 

How to Create Amazon Coupons in 2021

If you have not created Amazon coupons before, or your last creation of coupons was years ago, you might want to check the updates on the creation of coupons in 2021. Here is an overview of the process on how to create coupons for your Amazon business.  

Accessing Amazon Coupons

  • After you have logged into your Amazon Seller Central account, go to ADVERTISING and then click on COUPONS. 



Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 


  • Once redirected to the Amazon Seller Central coupons page, click on CREATE YOUR FIRST COUPON.



Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 


Note: If it is not your first time creating a coupon, click on CREATE A NEW COUPON instead. 

Search and Add Products

Once you have been redirected to another page, you will start by adding a product to your coupon. 


  • STEP 1: Paste the SKU or ASIN in the search bar. Then press GO.
  • STEP 2: Once the product appears on the bottom part of the page, Click ADD TO COUPON. 



Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 


After clicking the add to coupon button, the item will be transferred to the right side of the page, as seen below.

  • STEP 1: There is nothing to press on this section; you will simply re-check the item details.
  • STEP 2: Click CONTINUE TO NEXT STEP for the Budget and Discount page. 


Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 

Budget and Discount

  • STEP 1: You will need to enter the discount you wish to offer for your coupon. It could either be a Percentage Off or Money Off discount. 
  • STEP 2: You also have an option whether you will limit the redemption of your coupon to one coupon per customer.
  • STEP 3: You can set a budget for your coupon. Take note that the budget you set will be utilized as customers redeem your coupon. The Coupon will be deactivated once the budget has been fully utilized. 
  • STEP 4: Click CONTINUE TO NEXT STEP for the Schedule and Target page. 



Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 


Schedule and Target 

You can optimize your coupon in order to target a select customer segment by following these steps: 

  • STEP 1: Write a compelling title for your coupon. You may also check the Title Guideline right beside it. 
  • STEP 2: Choose your target customers for your coupon. 
  • STEP 3: Schedule the duration of your coupon. Take note that you can set a duration of up to 3 months for your coupon.  
  • STEP 4: Click CONTINUE TO NEXT STEP for Review and Submit page. 



Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 


Review and Submit

  • STEP 1: Review details of your Amazon coupon before submitting it. 
  • STEP 2: Click SUBMIT COUPON if details are correct. 



Amazon Seller Central: A screenshot (cropped) seller coupons page; Retrieved: July 28, 2021, From 


The guide shown above is just an overview of the process for creating coupons for Amazon. To check for detailed guidelines, you may CLICK HERE

Best Practices for Promotional Offers 

To help you maximize the promotional and advertising opportunity that Amazon offers to sellers, you should learn to adapt to the current marketplace situation. To help you better your approach when it comes to promotional offerings, here are some of the best practices you may observe: 

  • Define Target Audience

When it comes to promotional offers, such as coupons and deals, it is crucial to identify the target audience first. If you are aiming to increase sales of your school supplies inventory, then you should run a promotional campaign that will target students of all levels. 

However, this does not mean that you will need to exclude other customer segments. This simply means that you are clear with your goal and conscious of your decision concerning your promotional campaign. 

  • Time & Schedule Promotions 

One way of optimizing audience or customer engagement is to have proper timing and scheduling of your Amazon deals or coupons. This will help ensure that you reach more customers inclined to purchase your item. 

Going back to the school supplies example, you should time your promotional offers days or weeks before the start of school. You should schedule your offers to be more active during hours that most parents or students are also active online. 

  • Learn to Be Flexible

When it comes to promotional offers such as Amazon deals and Amazon coupons, you should understand that things may not always run smoothly. For that matter, you should be flexible enough to redirect your resources to offers that are showing more potential.

Similarly, you should also be open to combining two or more types of promotional and advertising approaches to increase customer engagement and conversion rates. 

Mix and Match 

To be successful in Amazon, you should understand that promotional offers alone are not effective. There are many factors you should consider, and these include but not limited to pricing, logistics, optimization, and customer service. 

You should learn to adapt and utilize various Amazon seller tools to complement your promotional offers and advertising approaches. In terms of repricing your Amazon products, you may make use of an automated and algorithmic repricer like Seller Snap. 

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