Best Amazon Repricing Tools in 2023 – The Complete List With Comparisons and Reviews From Amazon Sellers

Having competitive pricing in 2023 is imperative when selling, or considering selling online. The market is saturated with aggressive competitors utilizing what they can to stay relevant. To entice more customers, sellers may offer freebies, free delivery, responsive customer service, and hassle-free returns.

To become a successful Amazon seller in 2023, there are essentially two ways in which you can reprice your products. Manual repricing of goods, or using automated repricing. When deciding which Amazon repricer is right for you, it is important to consider the number of listings in your store and the amount of time you are able to dedicate to repricing.

If you are competing for the Amazon Buy Box, it is likely that you will need to utilize an Amazon repricing tool. We have compiled a complete list of the best tools available in 2023. When selling on Amazon, an Amazon repricing tool can potentially help you improve your sales and save time and resources. Apart from monetary benefits, a repricer can help you streamline your business, so if you want to achieve an effective repricing strategy, choosing the best repricer for your business is an important decision. Here are some recommendations as to what to look for when choosing your Amazon repricing tool, updated for 2023.

What do Amazon Sellers Need?

Amazon repricing tools can differ in cost, speed, available and experienced customer support, user interface, and of course if a repricer is manual, rule-based, or algorithmic.

How do Amazon Repricing tools Work?

Staying ahead of your competition is tough, especially since Amazon sellers coming to market are increasing year on year. One of the ways to outrank your competition in 2023 is with the help of a repricing tool. In brief, a repricing software will adjust your listing price against other FBA and/or FBM sellers, based on different factors and depending on which type of repricing software you use. Your listings are automatically populated into the software by connecting to Amazon’s API.

A repricing tool analyzes offers from all sellers on a particular listing and will either devise the necessary repricing strategy to come up with a competitive price or make price changes based on pre-configured rules and conditions set by the seller. Once the analysis is complete, the repricing software will send the readjusted listing price to Amazon, where it will be displayed for shoppers to see. Again, the way your repricing works is dependent on which type of repricing software you purchase.

How to Use a Repricer     

Using a repricing software varies from one repricing tool to another. However, the general concept of repricing remains the same. Since there is really no singular and uniform way to use an repricer because one software interface is unique from another, below is an overview of what sellers experience when using Seller Snap’s Amazon repricing software. 

When users first log in to the platform, the default repricing method is AI automatic repricing. This is an example of an algorithmic repricing method that does not require any set-up. This is what we call the “set it and forget it” style software, the repricing software learns, analyzes, and implements logical strategies to combat your competitors. 

However, if you choose a rule-based repricing method, the user journey is different as sellers have to set up thought-out rules and conditions for each ASIN. The repricing style is still somewhat automated, but sellers have to devise strategies to combat specific scenarios and take time to set these strategies up within their repricer, instead of using a learning algorithm.

The Repricing Software for FBA and FBM Sellers 

Whether you are an FBA or FBM seller in 2023, you will likely need the assistance of a repricing software. Generally speaking, the options available for sellers are manual, rule-based, and algorithmic repricing. Each has its own unique features and advantages. However, for higher-volume sellers and those wanting to experience reliable automated repricing, AI repricing is highly recommended to boost your eCommerce business for 2023

Why Amazon Sellers Should Consider an AI Algorithmic Repricing Software 

Apart from delivering a reliable repricing strategy to your business, this repricing software has more to offer. One of the reasons why sellers are turning to algorithmic repricing in 2023 is to maximize profit margins while avoiding price wars. 

On top of the unique features and analytics provided by a third-party Amazon repricing software, sellers also use this tool to help them win more Buy Box at the optimal price point. 

  • AI Automated Repricing Over Manual Repricing

As mentioned above, AI repricing offers more benefits to sellers. Apart from its automatic repricing feature, it is also much more reliable in terms of multiple listings. That is why high-volume sellers favor AI repricing software over its manual counterpart. 

Top sellers avoid manual repricing because it is prone to human error, and such a method is not fast enough to respond to the constant price changes in the market. Sticking with manual repricing is also tedious and time-consuming, especially if you have voluminous inventory. Such a tool is not cost-effective as compared to automated repricing.

  • What is Rule-Based Repricing? 

As its name would suggest, a rule-based repricing method relies on a predefined set of repricing rules. This means that the repricing software provides rules that can be readily applied to your pricing strategy. Some of the commonly available repricing rules include matching the lowest or highest price or beating the competition by a certain price. 

Although rule-based repricing is relatively better than manual repricing, it is still limited in terms of price optimization. Since this repricing approach is solely based on the seller’s pre-defined rules, rules can sometimes contradict each other. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Repricing Software

To help you step up your pricing strategy and win more Buy Box in 2023here are some factors to consider when choosing your Amazon repricer:

  • Repricer Type
  • Monthly Cost
  • Free Trial Period
  • Repricer Speed
  • Ease of Use
  • Commission Rate, if Applicable
  • Does It Come With Analytics?
  • Customer Service and Support
  • Contract Duration/if a Contract Is Required
  • Ability to Identify and Follow Your Competitors

What Are the Top Amazon Repricing Softwares in 2023?


Amazon Repricing Tool Comparison: 13 of the leading Amazon repricing tools on the market today, as of 2023





Seller Snap is a premium AI-algorithmic Amazon repricer that combines automation and intelligence to scale your Amazon business. Developed with Game Theory tactics in mind, this Amazon repricing tool was designed to maximize seller profits, while avoiding price wars. Seller Snap analyzes thousands of price decisions every minute to detect the behavior of your competitors and select the optimal strategy to outsmart your competition.

Each plan comes with AI automated repricing, fast and hassle-free setup, customizable settings, intelligent business insights and reporting, and round-the-clock support.

Seller Snap also provides a min/max calculator to enable sellers to set min and max prices based on costs and markup. As well as this, they have an Auto-Adjust feature that (when enabled), will automatically calculate and recalculate your minimum and maximum markups if and when any of your costs (inc. selling related fees) change. The Amazon repricer tool will then set your price accordingly.


Seller Snap has three plans available. Each plan includes AI Game Theory repricing, personalized repricing strategies, access to business intelligence and analytics, and 24/7 expert support for clients –

  • Accelerator Program: This program is intended to assist small business owners. Eligibility for the program is limited to Amazon sellers who have less than 1000 active listings and average monthly sales of less than $25,000 over the past quarter.
  • Standard Plan: This monthly plan can be utilized by up to 3 users. It caters to 1 store and up to 15,000 SKUs.
  • Premium Plan: This monthly plan supports 3 stores. 10 users can use it, and it can support up to 30,000 SKUs. Additional features include sales rank and inventory age data points, custom insights, an open API, and a dedicated account manager.
  • Unlimited Plan: To get the pricing for the Unlimited plan, you may contact Seller Snap directly. This plan supports unlimited users and multiple stores. It supports more than 30,000+ SKUs. It has all the features of the Premium Plan, plus open API use.c

Seller Snap offers a 15-day free trial period, no credit card or contract required.


2. BQool




BQool, also called Repricing Central, is a rule-based repricer. They offer a 14-day trial and advertise a repricing speed of upto every 5-15 minutes depending on the plan.


BQool has four plans, based on repricing speed and features. All plans have an InventoryLab synchronization, a price and profit calculator, scheduled repricing and detailed reporting –

  • $25 Plan: This plan offers repricing for 1,000 SKUs. It has limited features and lacks premium repricing features such as AI repricing.
  • $50 Plan: This plan caters to 5,000 SKUs. It includes all the premium features, including AI-Powered Repricer and Bulk ROI settings.
  • $100 Plan: This plan supports 10,000 SKUs and includes all the features of a $50 plan. It can support up to 10 users, and users can download reports.
  • $200 Plan: This plan supports 30,000 SKUs and includes all the features of a $100 plan. It can support up to 15 users, and users can download reports.
  • $300 Plan: This plan supports 50,000 SKUs and includes all the features of a $100 plan. It can support up to 20 users, and users can download reports.


3. ChannelMax




ChannelMax positions itself as an algorithmic and sales velocity-based repricer. They offer a 30-day free trial.


  • Real Time Amazon Repricing Plans:
    • $34.99 for SKU Limit of 500 
    • $49.99 for SKU Limit of 2500 
    • $69.99 for SKU Limit of 5000 
    • $99.99 for SKU Limit of 10,000 
    • $124.99 for SKU Limit of 25,000 
    • $149.99 for SKU Limit of 50,000 
    • $199.99 for SKU Limit of 100,000 
    • $249.99 for SKU Limit of 250,000 
    • $499.99 for SKU Limit of 500,000 

    Regular Amazon Repricing Plans:

    • $49.99 for SKU Limit 10,000 
    • $74.99 for SKU Limit 25,000 
    • $99.99 for SKU Limit 50,000


4. Feedvisor




Feedvisor is an AI-based repricer that is focused on improving your Amazon revenue and profit. They don’t offer a trial period. They have three available plans: the Professional, the Premium, and the Enterprise Plan. Each plan has its own set of features, including an algorithmic repricer, access to predictive intelligence, and Amazon expertize support.


Feedvisor does not specify the price for the plans that they offer Amazon sellers. Nevertheless, you may contact them directly to ask for the price plan and also request a demo.



Formerly Appeagle


informed-co-homepage-screenshot, formerly known as Appeagle claims to equip sellers with a repricer based on strategy and insight. They offer a 14-day free trial. offers short-term contracts.

Pricing has updated its available plans. From its previous three plans, it now offers two additional new plans for sellers. The price of its plans is based on the seller’s current monthly revenue.

  • $49 monthly plan for consumers with monthly revenue up to $5000.
  • $99 monthly plan for consumers with monthly revenue up to $10,000.
  • $149 monthly plan for consumers with monthly revenue up to $25,000.
  • $199 monthly plan for consumers with monthly revenue up to $50,000.
  • $249 monthly plan for consumers with monthly revenue up to $100,000.


Trust Pilot

Web Retailer


Trust Mamma


Formerly xSellco


repricer-com-homepage-screenshot is an Amazon repricer, formerly known as xSellco. This Amazon repricing tool aims to improve your sales and profits through dedicated net margin repricing and thorough analytics on profitability. It works through 14 Amazon marketplaces and offers a free trial of the software.

Pricing has four available plans for sellers.

  • $85 Express Plan: The Basic Plan supports up to 5,000 SKUs that reprices every 15-minutes. It can support 3 channels and also provides the user with regular product performance reports.
  • $259 Plus Plan: The Plus Plan reprices 50,000 SKUs. Repricing is instant and it supports unlimited channels and has priority round-the-clock support.
  • $409 Ultimate Plan: The Ultimate Plan has the same features as the Plus Plan. The difference is that it supports up to 250,000 SKUs. It also has added features.
  • $1,249 Extreme Plan: The Extreme Plan has all the same features as the Ultimate Plan. However, the difference is that it can support as much as 1,000,000 SKUs.


Trust Pilot (xSellco)

Web Retailer


Trust Mamma (xSellco)

7. RepricerExpress




RepricerExpress offers instant repricing and allows you to select whether you want to include or exclude sellers based on ratings, dispatch time, and many more.

RepricerExpress partnered with Amazon Technology and can process listings on the Marketplace App Store. It offers a 15-day free trial and does not need a credit card to do so.


RepricerExpress offers 4 plans that range from 5000 SKUs up to a million. All monthly plans have access to multiple marketplaces, automation, reports, and email/chat support.

  • £64 Express Plan: The Basic Plan supports up to 5,000 SKUs that reprices every 15-minutes. It can support 3 channels and also provides the user with repricing reports.
  • £189 Plus Plan: The Plus Plan reprices 50,000 SKUs. Repricing is instant and it supports unlimited channels and has priority round-the-clock support.
  • £319 Ultimate Plan: The Ultimate Plan supports up to 250,000 SKUs. It has all the features of Plus Plan and additional features such as Multichannel repricing and Net Margin repricing.
  • £949 Extreme Plan: The Extreme Plan supports up to a million listings. It has all the same features as the Ultimate Plan, plus the priority repricing feature. 


Trust Pilot

Web Retailer


Trust Mamma

8. Nu Price Repricer




Nu Price Repricer is a new, yet promising competitor. It has a basic-looking platform but has good functionality. It offers to reprice your inventory using a non-complicated process that can work well with the common kinds of OS like Mac and Windows.


NuPrice Repricer offers a repricer program that costs $14.95 per month or $129 per year.


No reviews found

9. RepriceIt




RepriceIt is an Amazon repricing tool that offers a highly customizable platform that sellers can easily understand. It has a 30-day trial period. If you pursue a subscription after the trial period, the billing comes every 30 days, but you can cancel the contract anytime you want.


RepriceIt has 7 plans, and the prices are all based on the number of SKUs generated. Each plan follows a flexible schedule that the seller sets. You can formulate your profit margin and minimum price to make sure you always get the best price for your items.

  • $9.95 Basic Plan: 1 – 500 SKUs
  • $16.95 Basic + Plan: 501 – 2,000 SKUs
  • $24.95 Merchant Plan: 2,001 – 5,000 SKUs
  • $29.95 Merchant + Plan: 5,001 – 10,000 SKUs
  • $39.95 Pro Plan: 10,001 – 20,000 SKUs
  • $59.95 Pro + Plan: 20,001 – 50,000 SKUs
  • $79.95 Premier Plan: 50,001 – 100,000 SKUs


10. Seller Dynamics




Seller Dynamics is a one-stop repricer for Amazon. It offers automated and bulk repricing, control over your stocks and inventory, and supplier management. You can either choose to watch a demo to see how their repricing tool works or enroll in their 14-day trial.


All Seller Dynamics’ plans have unlimited SKUs and marketplaces, automated repricing tools, and integrated stock control. Multiple users can also utilize any plan on the list. The pricing is based on annual gross sales.

  • $120 Small Biz Plan: $140,000 annual gross sales
  • $200 Standard Plan: $350,000 annual gross sales
  • $300 Standard + Plan: $700,000 annual gross sales

Advanced Plan: More than $700,000 in annual gross sales. To get the price for the Advanced Plan, you need to call Seller Dynamics directly to discuss your options with them.


Web Retailer

11. Seller Republic



Seller Republic is an Amazon and eBay repricer that offers repricing for international marketplaces. It offers an intelligent analysis tool with instant repricing, profit and loss calculator, and continuous chat support. Seller Republic offers a 14-day free trial period, which includes webinars and documentation.


Seller Republic offers nine pricing plans to sellers with a 15-day free trial. The main difference for each plan is the active listings it can support. Here are the repricer plans Seller Republic offers: 

  • $28.95 Lite Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 100 active listings. 
  • $48.95 Professional Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 5,000 active listings. 
  • $98.95 Elite Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 25,000 active listings. 
  • $168.95 Enterprise Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 50,000 active listings. 
  • $278.95 Global Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 100,000 active listings. 
  • $478.95 Galaxy Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 250,000 active listings. 
  • $678.95 Universal Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 350,000 active listings. 
  • $878.95 Cosmos Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 500,000 active listings. 
  • $1478.95 Dimensional Plan: This repricing plan can accommodate up to 1,000,000 active listings. 


12. Sellery



Sellery is a real-time repricer that supports hundreds of pricing changes. Its methods adapt well to unique market conditions. Sellery features active net margin management and continuous market preview. Sellers can enjoy a 14-day free trial.


Sellery offers a payment scheme where you pay them 1% of your monthly sales (gross). Sellery charges as low as $50 to as high as $2,000 monthly. For reference, here is an overview of the monthly payment plan: 

  • $50 Plan for sellers with $0 – $5000 gross monthly sales.
  • $85 Plan for sellers with $8,500 gross monthly sales.
  • $100 Plan for sellers with $10,000 gross monthly sales.
  • $250 Plan for sellers with $25,000 gross monthly sales.
  • $1,000 Plan for sellers with $100,000 gross monthly sales.
  • $2,000 Plan for sellers with $200,000 gross monthly sales.
  • $2,000 Plan for sellers with $300,000+ gross monthly sales.


Web Retailer

13. Profit Protector Pro


profit-protector pro-homepage-screenshot


The Profit Protector Pro, like NuPrice Repricer, is also a relatively new Amazon repricing tool available on the market. It is an advanced algorithm-based Amazon repricer that has 6 strategies, an Amazon repricing Chrome extension, and a user-friendly interface.


All Profit Protector Pro plans include access to various marketplaces, a Chrome extension and 14-day money-back guarantee, and a free setup fee.

  • £34.95 Plan: This plan is a monthly program that processes 1,000 SKUs. It is best for beginners to intermediate sellers.
  • £39.95 Plan: This plan supports 5,000 SKUs. It is perfect for intermediate to advanced sellers.
  • £44.95 Plan: This plan caters to 10,000 SKUs and is for advanced to professional sellers.


Conclusion: Choose the Best Amazon Repricing tool in 2023 for Business Success

Before subscribing to any of the Amazon repricing tools above, make sure to do a thorough assessment of your business goals and needs. Utilizing a repricer when selling on Amazon is a huge factor in seller success.

We at Seller Snap aim to help businesses scale. Sign up for a 15-day FREE trial today.

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