Introducing Seller Snap Updates and New Features From 2021 | Repricing Tools, Integrations, and Filters to Bolster Your 2022 Amazon Campaign

Since you asked for it, we made things happen! 

The Seller Snap team has been working diligently the past year to bring you these much-awaited updates and new features. Our main goal is to provide Amazon sellers with helpful features and functionalities through reliable and prompt software updates. Get acquainted with the latest tweaks we introduced to our software, as well as the scopes of these new features, our latest collaborations, solutions, and the next steps you can expect from your leading AI repricer — Seller Snap.    

After a lot of planning, designing, testing, implementation, integration, and polishing, here are the 2021 most popular updates to our repricing software

Effortless Solutions – Amazon Repricing Made Easier


  • Pushing Min and Max Prices to Amazon 

We launched the “Push Min & Max Prices To Amazon” tool earlier this year in order to bring forth efficiency and convenience. With the help of this new tool, you can now make adjustments to Seller Central’s minimum & maximum values directly through the Seller Snap user interface without having to log into Seller Central.

Using the Push Min & Max Prices tool will prompt a data feed to Amazon that will initiate a change of the minimum & maximum prices in Seller Central. Alternatively, our repricing software will directly push new price validation if there is no current minimum & maximum value.

To access this function, you must navigate through the store settings and click “Repricing,” as shown below:




Once redirected, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the feature as seen below:



On top of the convenience, pricing errors and high price alerts can also be avoided with the help of this new Seller Snap feature. It helps to keep Seller Snap and Seller Central minimum & maximum prices aligned. Learn more.

  • Dynamic Max Price (DMP)

Manually setting prices for numerous listings can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Seller Snap offers more room for improvement when it comes to setting the max price of your listings through Dynamic Max Price (DMP). 

The operative word for this new feature is “Dynamic.” We now provide you with an option to allow our repricing software to automatically calculate the max price for all listings via the Dynamic Max Price (DMP) tool. With advanced machine learning, our repricer selects the best max price based on a competitive environment. Some of the metrics evaluated by the AI include the highest and lowest listed offer, last sale price, and the most recent price change notification. 

This helps avoid repricing errors for sellers with numerous listings. Similarly, this also prevents the deactivation of listings caused by price inputs deemed too high by Amazon. 




Adjusting the max price for your listing has become faster and more convenient through this new repricing tool. To access this new tool, simply activate Dynamic Max Price (DMP) from within the store settings, under the Min & Max tab. 

The best thing about this new feature is it is currently free to try. Check out more details about our new Dynamic Max Price (DMP) today.

  • Tiered Markup

When it comes to cost-based markups, Amazon FBA and FBM sellers now have the option to create a cost-based markup tier via the ‘Tier Markup’ tool. This will allow you to set ranges between two separate cost values and then designate a specific minimum & maximum percentage for that range.

Once you have designated your minimum & maximum percentage, the repricing software will automatically calculate minimum & maximum values based on which tier the cost of a product falls into. These price adjustments also consider Amazon fees when changing minimum & maximum values. 



Enabling the Tier Markup feature is very easy; it all begins by toggling the “Auto Adjust Min/Max” switch under the Auto Adjust Min/Max Tab.





Amazon stores with Auto-Adjust enabled will have the option to use this tool, and there is no limit to the number of tiers a user can create. Learn more about Tier Markup Based On Cost and how to set it up for your business.

  • Inventory Age Repricing

A new repricing feature has been added to let Seller Snap users create repricing conditions based on inventory age. Inventory age operates as a condition that can be used in consonance with the repricing method. 



You can set a condition that states if Inventory Age is above 90, 180, 270, or 365 days and has available inventory of more than a specified quantity. In effect, this approach can help you manage your inventory movement and storage fees. Read more about Inventory Age repricing today. 

New Features for Quick Setup and Review | Filters and Edits  

Seller Snap introduced other features that can help expedite the setting and review of prices for multiple listings. Here are some of the software updates we recently added for a better UI experience. 

  • Bulk Edits 

This new feature enables you to manage multiple listings directly from the listings table. You can toggle checkboxes to select listings you wish to edit and change the repricing method.




You may also use filters to narrow down the listings you wish to edit in bulk. Any value or input when editing will be applied to all the selected or filtered listings. With the Bulk Edit feature, editing multiple listings is made easier.

To better understand this new editing option, you can read more about Bulk Edit or check the video below:



  • Follow Multiple Related ASINs – Bulk Upload

When you choose “Follow Multiple Related ASINs” as a repricing condition, you now have an option to upload in bulk via CSV multiple ASINs of competitors. This removes the burden of manually adding numerous ASINs to the platform.  




Needless to say that with this new update, your repricing strategy will become more efficient. Familiarize the Follow Multiple Related ASINs repricing condition today, read more.

  • New Filters and Columns

New filters and columns were added as we continue to provide updates to facilitate a more user-friendly environment for our users. These recently added features will help you quickly navigate the Seller Snap interface and proceed with your repricing strategies with ease. 

Three new filters were added to the Seller Snap user interface to help you filter your listings. 

  • Price difference from min ($)
  • Price difference from min (%)
  • Days since creation

For updates on columns, Seller Snap added Competitive Price Threshold (CPT). Selecting this Competitive Price Threshold means that any listings priced above this threshold will be ineligible for the Buy Box. To display CPT on the listings table, simply add it from the hidden section to the visible section. 




Seller Snap Collaborations and Integrations – Streamlining The Repricing Process 

As we continue to enhance our software and services, we partnered with other leading Amazon seller tools to simplify your repricing tasks and provide you with an improved user interface.  

  • InventoryLab Integration 

We are happy to announce the availability of Seller Snap’s integration with InventoryLab, a leading inventory management and cost tracking software for Amazon sellers. You can automatically pull cost data from InventoryLab directly into our dashboard with this integration. Therefore, making price adjustments more convenient.

If you wish to pull in minimum & maximum prices directly from InventoryLab into Seller Snap, you simply proceed to our repricing software’s ‘store setting’ and enable InventoryLab.  




To delve deeper into the technicalities or how to get started with this integration, you can check out our Knowledge Base or the Seller Snap & InventoryLab Webinar, as shown below. 



  • SkuVault Integration

Seller Snap has partnered with another reputable inventory management and tracking software, SkuVault. 

Our integration with SkuVault will allow you to automatically pull Cost data into Seller Snap. Any Cost data that was previously present within Seller Snap will be overridden by the values set in SkuVault.

You can learn more about this integration or how to set it up via Seller Snap Knowledge Base. Read more.

  • EZ Cloud

In consonance with our goal of helping you effortlessly set up your Amazon business’s repricing elements, we integrated with EZ Cloud. This is an easy-to-use tool that can help you calculate the exact minimum & maximum prices needed for your listings. You can check our integration page to learn more

Premium Features and Expansion    

  • Amazon Competes

We recently released a premium feature for all Seller Snap users. You can now view when Amazon is on a listing, which can be done by adding a column using the filter in the listings table. 

This latest update aims to improve your Amazon business and repricing strategy, especially during this peak holiday season where competition is tough.

  • New Marketplaces 

As we continue to be a leading specialist in automated Amazon repricing, we further expanded our services across 18 marketplaces. As of 2021, we recently added new marketplaces to our application. These newly opened marketplaces include Brazil, UAE, Egypt, Sweden, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Turkey, Singapore.

In the coming years, you can expect our international network to grow as we continue to strengthen our goal of bringing a world-class product to all Amazon sellers worldwide.

What to Expect Next Year From Seller Snap

Since our inception, we have consistently introduced various features and updates intended to augment seller performance. And for 2022, another advancement will be introduced to benefit our growing Seller Snap family.  

We will be launching Advertising Data in the coming months. This soon-to-be-added feature will allow you to incorporate Advertising Data into the Seller Snap Platform. 

More exciting information to be shared soon!

Innovation Starts With Us 

You can expect more updates in the future that are designed to optimize your repricing strategy. We will continue introducing better functionalities and features to our software to serve you best. With Seller Snap, you are always assured of a high-quality user experience and repricing services empowered by innovation. 

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